Empowering Agro Input Retailers to serve farmers better

A trusted tool for agro input retailers to get the right products and services so that they can serve the farmers in a better and effective manner.

We are building the largest agri input platform in Bangladesh. iFarmer app enables agri-input retailers to access quality products and services to serve their farmers better and expand their businesses.

Registered Retailers


Registered Retailers

Total SKUs


Total SKUs

Total Districts


Total Districts

Total Inputs Delivered

BDT 2767M+

Total Inputs Delivered

What We Offer

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Good quality and variety of agri inputs

iFarmer acts as a one-stop-shop for all the agri-input products for retailers. Retailers can buy input products of all top brands, with the convenience of doorstep delivery from our app, call center, or iFarmer Centers.

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Access to finance

iFarmer offers “buy now and pay later” services for the retailers. We also enable the retailers to get access to loans from financial institutions based on their transaction history and alternate data.

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Increasing farmer stickiness

iFarmer enables the retailers to manage their farmer/customer data along with transaction data to bring transparency and build credit worthiness. Offer advisory services, loan application agent services and other services to broaden the retailer's engagement with the farmers.

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kri-shop for agri input in english

Business Model

business model for agri input in english