Enabling Digital Lending Services to
Farmers and Agri MSMEs

iFarmer uses a combination of human interaction, alternative data, and machine learning to close the critical data gap that prevents financial institutions from lending and offering services to smallholder farmers.

Who do we work with

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How we work

We work with financial institutions and lending partners to offer financing for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises in the agriculture sector including farmers, traders, input retailers and other agri businesses. We use alternative data and a proprietary credit scoring algorithm to identify the viability of the customers. Our lending partners approve the applications and transfer the fund within the shortest possible time. We work with these Agri MSMEs, providing them with advisory services, training, data collection and monitor them to ensure that their businesses are profitable and they can repay back the money on time.

Enabling Funding in Agriculture

Besides working with financial institutions, we also help unlock financing from individuals who want to fund in agriculture projects and want to earn profitable returns while also creating impact. We offer various sizes of funding in a wide category of agriculture projects which are managed by farmers. We offer attractive yields for the funders and also de risk their funding through insurance offerings. Most importantly we offer full transparency of the full process.
To start funding download our app

How It Works

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1. Open an Account

Download the iFarmer app and sign up to begin funding.

2. Creating Access to Finance for Farmers

Explore currently listed farms in the iFarmer app's "All Farms" section to discover the perfect funding opportunity.

3. Watch the Farms Grow

Keep track of farm progress by monitoring them through the iFarmer app and receiving regular updates from our team.

4. Harvest your Returns

When the farms mature and the products are sold, both you and the farmers earn from the harvest

Why Work With Us

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Tech Enabled
The Agri MSMEs can download our app. Sign up directly in the app and fill out their personal information, answer a few questions and share transactional data and apply for the loan.
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Data Driven
Our proprietary credit scoring algorithm uses a combination of alternative data, business transaction data and personal data to provide a unique credit score for the Agri MSMEs
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We ensure that the MSMEs and the lenders are fully informed about the details of the transactions and have access to the data and information required to make an informed decision

Lets Talk!
